Lavender Colored Chicken Genetics

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Lavender colored chickens are a unique and striking variation of the poultry world. This color is a result of a specific genetic mutation that causes the bird to have a pale purple or lavender plumage. Understanding the genetics behind this color can help us to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of these birds.

The genetic mutation responsible for the lavender color in chickens is known as the "blue gene." This gene is responsible for producing the blue and black pigments in chickens, as well as other fowl. The blue gene is a recessive gene, which means that in order for a chicken to express the lavender color, it must carry two copies of the gene - one inherited from each parent.

When a chicken carries one copy of the blue gene, it will express the black or blue color, but when it carries two copies, it will express the lavender color. This is because the blue gene can dilute the black or blue pigments, resulting in a pale purple or lavender color.

It's important to note that not all chickens that carry the blue gene will express the lavender color. The expression of the lavender color is also affected by other genes, such as the "extension gene" which can affect the intensity of the color.

In terms of breeding, to produce lavender colored chickens, both parents must carry the blue gene and must be bred together. As the blue gene is a recessive gene, it can be hidden for several generations and may not appear until a chick inherits it from both parents.

In conclusion, the lavender color in chickens is a result of a specific genetic mutation known as the "blue gene." This gene is responsible for diluting the black or blue pigments and producing a pale purple or lavender color. The expression of the lavender color is also affected by other genes, such as the "extension gene." To produce lavender colored chickens, both parents must carry the blue gene and must be bred together. Understanding the genetics behind this color can help us to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of these birds.

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