Longtailed Chicken: Feed And Care Guide

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Longtailed chickens are a unique and beautiful breed of chicken known for their long, flowing tail feathers. Here's a guide on how to care for and feed longtailed chickens:

  1. Provide a spacious coop: Longtailed chickens have long tail feathers, so they need a coop that is spacious enough to accommodate their tails. Make sure the coop has a high ceiling and enough space for the chickens to move around freely.

  2. Keep the coop clean: Longtailed chickens are prone to getting their tail feathers dirty and matted, so it's important to keep their coop clean and dry to prevent feather damage.

  3. Provide a balanced diet: Longtailed chickens need a balanced diet that includes commercial chicken feed, fresh fruits and vegetables, and a source of calcium, such as crushed eggshells or oyster shells.

  4. Provide protein-rich food: Longtailed chickens need a protein-rich diet to support growth and feather development. You can supplement their diet with protein-rich foods such as mealworms, crickets or dried fish.

  5. Trim their feathers: Longtailed chickens' feathers can become tangled and matted, so it's important to trim their feathers regularly to prevent feather damage.

  6. Provide a dust bath: Longtailed chickens should have access to a dust bath to keep their feathers clean and healthy.

  7. Protect their tails: Longtailed chickens' tails can be easily damaged by predators, so it's important to keep them protected by reinforcing the coop and run.

  8. Provide a roosting bar: Longtailed chickens need a roosting bar that is high enough off the ground to accommodate their tails.

  9. Keep them safe from predators: Longtailed chickens are a unique and valuable breed, so it's important to protect them from predators by using a secure coop and run and keeping an eye out for signs of predators.

  10. Enjoy their beauty: Longtailed chickens are a beautiful and unique breed, so take the time to enjoy them. 

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