Ayam cemani for sale Feather Lover Farms
Ayam cemani for sale
Ayam cemani for sale Feather Lover Farms
Feather Lover Farms Ayam Cemani
Ayam cemani for sale Feather Lover Farms
Ayam cemani for sale Feather Lover Farms
Feather Lover Farms Ayam Cemani Feet
Feather Lover Farms Ayam Cemani Tongue
Ayam cemani for sale
Feather Lover Farms All Black Chickens
Ayam cemani for sale
Feather Lover Farms Ayam Cemani Rooster
Feather Lover Farms Ayam Cemani Hen
Feather Lover Farms Ayam Cemani Eggs
Ayam cemani chicks for sale Feather Lover Farms
Feather Lover Farms Ayam Cemani Black Chicken For Sale

Ayam Cemani "FLF New Imported Bloodline" Chick (Unsexed)

Regular price $ 99.00 $ 79.00 Sale

* Flat Rate Shipping Cost: 

USPS Priority 2-3 Day - $29

USPS Express 1-2 Day - $69

* This is one of our rare chicken breeds that 3 Time Olympic Gold Medalist, Kimberly Rhode had us deliver to her in 2020! 

*Old Bloodline VS Feather Lover Farms Bloodline? For the famous all black chickens, we sell 2 different bloodlines. The FLF line is more rare than the Old line and is in very limited supply. The FLF line tends to look more wild with less chick fuzz than the Old line and also tend to have darker black pigment. Please compare photos of our adult breeders for reference. 

* 3 chicks minimum for Live Arrival Guarantee. You can mix and match breeds.

* Ship Date: Chicks are shipped weekly. Your chicks will hatch & ship on one of the Mondays-Wednesdays of your "estimated ship month". 

* Select the same ship month if ordering multiple breeds. 

Heat pack(s), plenty of nest material under and/or around the chicks and professional packaging are included with the cost of shipping. Shipping cost is the same flat rate no matter how many chicks you order.


FLF Exclusive! 

Feather Lover Farms is excited to announce, in 2016 we were able to locate and acquire in the U.S. a new Ayam Cemani bloodline! 

The rarest and most sought after chicken breed on the planet, the famous black Ayam Cemani chicken! Our Feather Lover Farms Line Ayam Cemani we offer were first released to the public in early 2017. Ayam Cemani originate in Indonesia and are known to have black feathers, black skin, black comb and wattles, black flesh, black organs, black bones and all. This makes this breed one of the most beautiful chickens on the planet, hailing them as "The Lamborghini of Poultry." 

In Indonesia, the black chicken is known for their mystical healing powers due to their black hyper-pigmentation. The hens lay a surprisingly abundant amount of eggs, 80-120 eggs each year. Their eggs are unusually large proportion compared to the hen's body, making them a low feed cost breed with excellent egg laying capability. The birds pictured here are our breeding stock and were selected from many Ayam Cemani birds for their exceptionally black features. However, it is important to understand that not all Ayam Cemani offspring grow up to be solid black, even with solid black parents. We cannot guarantee the distribution of black pigment in the offspring you receive as each chick will turn out different. 

Ayam Cemani are usually cold & hot weather hardy, low maintenance, tame and easy to handle.

Not only is our Feather Lover Farms Ayam Cemani bloodline consistently darker than our old bloodline, they seem to be larger, stand taller and have bigger combs. 

The black chickens featured here on our website are some of our breeding stock and were selectively chosen for their exceptionally dark black features. Some of our customers have claimed first place blue ribbon prizes at poultry show competitions with their Ayam Cemani chicks they received from us.

If you want to own the rarest black chicken breed on the planet, look no further.  

Ayam Cemani FAQs:

Origin: Indonesia
Type: Standard Large Fowl 
Size: Large (5-7 lbs)
Rarity: Extremely Rare
Colors: Black
Egg Laying: Good (3-4/week, 80-120/year)
Egg Color:  Cream, Light Tan
Egg Size: Medium
Unique Feature: World's Only All Black Chicken Inside & Out

Cold Hardiness: Ok Winter Tolerance
Heat Tolerance: Great Heat tolerance
Docile: Yes
Setter/Broody: Yes, Sometimes
Personality: Very human friendly, curious and docile

Quick Chick FAQs:

Straight Run Chicks: Straight Run Chicks are un-sexed, randomly selected and each chick has a 50/50 chance of being a male or female. 

Shipping: You will receive an automatic email and text message when your chicks ship along with tracking info. Chicks usually arrive in the morning 1-2 days later and your local Post Office will call you for pickup. Chicks are never delivered to your home address, even if you used a home address for your shipping address. 

What I Need: Everything you need can usually be purchased at your local feed store. Chick starter feed, waterer, brooder (cardboard box, plastic storage bin, bathtub, or even a kiddie pool are popular), pine shavings, thermometer and a heat lamp or heat source. Baby chicks require heat of about 95 degrees their first week of life. Second week you can lower the temperature to 90 degrees and so on with every week going down 5 degrees until 6-8 weeks old or when they are ready to go "outside".

How Do My Chicks Survive Shipment?: Baby chicks do not need food or water for the first 72 hours of life. Ingesting their yolk sac gives them the nutrition they need to survive the journey from Feather Lover Farm's hatching facility to you! Shipping day-old chicks helps ensure a safe arrival since they will usually be just 2 days old when you receive them. Our packaging is professional with a brand new chick shipping box, nesting material and warm long lasting heat packs depending on the time of the year. Your chicks will look like they just hatched out of a nest when you open the box and jump into your arms, thinking you are their mother hen!

Click Here To Check Out Our Juvenile Chickens For Sale! 

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