Yesenia T.
Perfect chicks, Worthwhile. I will order again from this Hatchery.
Corrinn J.
Love the customer service very helpful and communicated very well, pleasant to work even with all my many questions or concerns... Very healthy chicks and am very happy with my order. Thank you feather lover farms!!
Andrew A.
Great customer service and accurate and timely updates on shipping getting my next six next month!
Alex Z.
Took 2 months to arrive but i didnt mind and i was in touch with feather lover farm through out the whole process sadly 2 died during shipping process but 4 are still alive and healthy.
Britton C.
Chicks arrived in just 2days and all were alive. They are beautiful, well-formed and happy. They drank and started pecking the ground to eat right away. I’m very pleased.
Angela O.
Ordered 4 chicks beginning of april got late may. All came alive and nicely packaged. Ready to eat and drink. They are adorable. Going to call the littlest spit cause that one is a spitfire. :)
Rene G.
Very happy just 4 months back ordered waiting time on my case.
Shelia M.
The chicks came healthy and ready to eat. We have had them 8 days and they are doing great. These were replacements chicks, since in our original order we had a couple that passed away. We understand sometimes things happen and it’s out of the control of the breeder once they get to the post office. We were told they would replace our two that passed and we would get a mystery chick. Well to our surprise when we opened the box there was a total of 8 chicks.
Andrea B.
Can’t wait to see these babies fully grown!! Feather Lovers Farm has been so cooperative and understanding getting these babies to us! First shipment was sent back, second shipment did do well, but the third shipment was just right! FLF responded quickly everytime and had the best customer
Service you could ask for. Definitely buying more chicks from FLF!!
Jonathan B.
Arrived much faster then I expected, especially considering they were shipped during a blizzard!! Unfortunately, a few didn't survive during the frigid transit, but the rest are thriving and eagerly awaiting spring. Definitely plan to oder more varieties in the coming months.
Tabitha M.
The mom is a purchase from 2023…she went broody. She is a natural to the new shipment of chicks that are soooo adorable. Five were mailed, one died but four are going strong. Love their chickens.
Tanner S.
Love my little feather babies! We ordered 2 ayam Chema i and 4 mystery. We received what looked like 3 Ayams and 5 gray mystery (our guess is lavender amaracanas) we had one gray DOA and one that had a hurt foot from shipping that passed the next day. Then we had one grey pass away last night (2 1/2 days after arrival) we think because it was struggling with pasty butt most likely from the stress of shipping and even after keeping an eye and cleaning she still didn’t make it. Overall all the birds have looked really healthy and the ones that passed didn’t seem to be from poor breeding just the nature of life and ordering chicks online. The post office mentioned that they were very well packed when I picked them up. For my first time ordering online I’d say this has been a very positive experience even with 3 of the chicks not making it. Ordered 6 received 8 so far 5 have made it (all the Ayams have survived)
Sarbast D.
Good customer service
Bryan W.
Unfortunately the 2 Ayam cemani chicks arrived dead. A credit was issued. The 2 isbar chicks and a mystery chick seem to be doing well. I would like to know the breed of the mystery chick.
The one frustration I have is the fact that I have to pay for another chick to make it to 3 chicks on the order. So by the time I pay for an extra chick that I don’t even want and pay shipping AGAIN, I’m out another $80. Seems like there should be a better policy for replacing chicks that are DOA. What if there are dead chicks the second time? Are customers expected to just keep paying $40 shipping costs over and over again?
I’m happy with the chicks we got and we are still excited for the ayam cemani chicks when they come. Crossing our fingers for live chicks the second time!
Shauna B.
Love my new Cemani babies . Thank you for sending an extra . This hatchery is the best!
Timmy K.
Excited and happy. Thank you
Gloria Z.
We were offered in store credit for a chick that died during transit. We received our replacement chick the following week. I was so excited to see that we also received a free ayam cemani chick with the order plus 3 free cream leg bar chicks. They arrived very peppy and ready to eat with in minutes. The free chicks passed away a week later sadly for unknown reasons. The remaining chicks were able to stay with the ayam Cemani chicks from the previous order. They are very healthy and spunky. We plan to order more chick soon.
Gloria Z.
The surviving chicks arrived very energetic. Sadly one ayam Cemani chick died in transit. We received a free chick but sadly he passed the first night. The other two cemani chicks were eating and drinking within the first hour of getting unpacked. They are very energetic and healthy. I can see the double fibrio gene in them and can’t wait to watch them grow. We were offered credit for the chick that didn’t arrive alive . We plan to buy more chicks and are loyal customers. Feather lovers farms has excellent customer service.
Gerard M.
So I decide to switch my order at the last minute. I originally ordered an ayam. I wanted an oganadori instead. Customer service is great. They left a note before my order was shipped. I ended up with 8 live chicks and I only ordered 3! They gave me an ayam and 3 which looks like oganadoris plus a couple of mystery chicks. This website is legit. I recommend you don’t look elsewhere. Great customer service and product. Thank you so much!!
Matthew M.
I ordered a ayam cemani and Received the cute little guy +2 extras just wish I knew what kind of breed the other two were
Channing E.
Received my three Cemani chicks plus three extra chicks! One little cemani passed unfortunately as he was the runt. We lost one of the brown ones due to wry neck and being unable to eat. Our 4 babies left are happy and healthy!
Adriana A.
Beautiful healthy chicks, plus three surprise chicks!
Samantha M.
Chicks arrived on time, healthy & adorable! We are very happy with the order. Thankyou Feather Lovers
Chai Y.
Its been over a year long journey for Feather Lovers and I. The first twelve ayam cemani chicks just disappeared into thin air from Honolulu. Arrived in Honolulu and never got to me last year. Finally the chicks arrived today. I was so nervous that something might happen to them again. This time it said 6 dead chicks were removed. I feel something fishy going on as there was plenty of room and heat pack was still warm. Nevertheless, I am very happy with the 9 I have in my hands. Thank you so much Feather Lovers for the beautiful chicks. (Never had problem with other type of chicks)
Karen B.
I am pleased. Did I say pleased. Well worth the wait and money. All these sweet chicks arrived alive to my home in Alabama. Long journey for such little birds.
Laurie Y.
Our Ayam Cemani chicks arrived warm and in good spirits. Our broody Silkie hen, Deloris has been taking very good care everyone. Communication with Feather Lovers was amazing, they added an extra Isbar to keep everyone safe warm. We are excited to watch our chicks grow.
Jessica S.
My mother-in-law actually surprised me with 3 of the This line and 3 of the other line for an early birthday present!! Best MIL ever! She said you guys were so prompt and nice! I am in love with my little Ayam babies! Sadly we lost two within the first 24 hours, but the others are doing quite well! I think I already have a favorite! It’s so sweet and will snuggle on my chest. I can’t wait to see how many pullets/cockerels we have!
Cindy S.
Bought 6 Ayam Cemani, 3 from each line, for my Daughter-in-law's birthday! She was so excited! We got all 6 and an extra surprise chick! We love love them. Unfortunately, two of the chicks didn't make it the first 24 hours!! So sad!! We did everything but CPR! Anyway, we are so excited to see the remaining 5 grow! Highly recommend Feather Lovers Farm! Going to order again!! Cindy Swank
Karie C.
It was an enjoyable experience purchasing chicks from FLF. Love our new additions. Will soon be ordering more and will recommend them. Ordering, shipping, notifications and receiving healthy little chicks was fantastic. Thanks FLF.
Read alot of bad reviews so was very concerned. Can honestly say I couldn't be happier!! All 3 chicks I purchased arrived alive and well plus the 4th chick I got for free due to order taking longer than a month. Im very satisfied tho!!! Ordered in July received in September. Communication was all through email but noone ignored me, all emails were responded to in a reasonable amount of time.
Elizabeth R.
This guy crowed the other day at 4 weeks. I'm learning all I can about Cemanis & this guy is just so beautiful and a friendly bird. This won't be my last Cemani for sure!
Gina S.
Once the tracking link went live the peeps were easy to follow. They were packaged way better then expected. Super healthy an settled in fast! I was worried California to VA would be a hard trip but the quality of the peeps an health even with that trip is better then any local store. Definitely would do it again! Super cute baby Ayam Cemani's are growing like crazy!
Caroline C.
One of our Ayam Cemani chicks died about 36 hours after arriving.
Heather L.
I ordered two ayam cemani chicks received four two where solid black the others where Greg and black with white.I actually fell in love with the gray office got them to me a day late but they where still in great shape
Megan A.
We were thrilled at how beautiful, vibrant, and healthy our chicks arrived from all the way across the country!! They arrived here quickly and safely. No sooner did we get them home than they were happy to drink, eat, and get under the heat to rest. Thank you so much!! We will definitely be ordering more in future.
Dominic L.
It was well worth the wait! As a result for the long wait I got two mystery baby chicks. They are all healthy and happy. I can't wait to purchase more of them!
Zachary R.
Wonderful folks to deal with! Chicks arrived safely and healthy. We unfortunately had one pass away and was offered replacement without prompting at all. They obviously care very much about the birds and the customers. The rest of the flock are doing wonderful and are some of the easiest to handle birds I’ve ever had. Looking forward to my next batch of babies. :)
Lisa H.
This chick was happy to get out of the shipping box today and play!
Rajesh A.
The chicks came earlier than expected date. they looked very tiny and weak but perked up in a day and are thriving now . could not figure out the green jelly like stuff in the box . Hope to have 100% success raising them.
Robert L.
Received our 3 cuties today! Very perky!
Una B.
I got three of this breed. All are beautiful, healthy, and happy.
Tarashaun J.
All chicks arrived alive and in good health :) Had to wait a little longer than expected, but definitely worth the wait. Beautiful babies, can't wait to see them grow into beautiful adults. Looking forward to doing business with you again in the future. Thanks so much.
Sharyl A.
I was really worried with all the heat, and shipping. But it work out they arrived happy and healthy. Post office called me within minutes of them arriving and they are home in brooder, chirping away.
Natalia W.
Beautiful bird. She’s healthy and strong. I had very good experience with the company and will definitely order more.
Thank you!
Kimberly M.
The birds arrived healthy well and perfect!!!! They are high quality stock and I’m glad I chose this farm.
Joshua d.
It took over two and a half months to receive my chicks but I was in contact with feather lovers farms and the were quick to respond. I did receive one chick that has a deformed leg and I'm still waiting to see what they are going to do about that. The chick can get around to a point but it's leg is definetly not right. Kind of dissapointed about that but hopefully they make it right.
John G.
Thank you very much for all the help.
They looked good at first and were
gone by first night .
Karen I.
Garuda, our Cemani, is such an amazing bird. So friendly, smart, fast, and healthy. She runs across the yard at full speed when I call her and she likes to help me with the weeds in the garden. At almost 7 weeks old, her iridescent feathers are starting to shine. She makes me laugh every day with her antics. Such a good bird, along with her 2 Cream Legbar sisters--all from Feather Lover Farm. We call them our jungle birds. Garuda has that edgy wild side about her, as she loves to explore by herself and hunt bugs, but also loves her flock and shows affection to us humans.
April R.
Wonderfully healthy little chicks!! So dark they are hard to get details on in photos..
Angela S.
These little babies are so cute!! Just got them on Wednesday. Happy with how quickly they came.
Only bummer is one chick doesn't seem to be doing too well :( doesn't move much and has not opened its one eye since I got it :( hoping it pulls through.
Bonnie M.
Loove them, definitely want to order more
Rick H.
We ordered four straight run chicks. It took awhile to get the shipment but it was worth the wait. They all arrived alive per guarantee, although one did expire within a few days.
It was a strange thing that. The chick started acting sluggish and unable to balance. She would just lay and was hard to stir. Eventually she passed after five days which was unfortunate however the other three remain and they seem to be thriving.
I was hopeful to get a mating pair and yesterday I realized that I actually do have a cockerel, possibly two, and a hen so I’m totally excited for the future!!
I’d have given a five star rating but the dead chick put me off and the company’s slow response to email and phone queries could use improvement. Overall though it was a good experience.
George H.
Chicks arrived two days after shipped. Healthy and ready for the brooder box. Hopefully will be a nice addition to my Ayam Cemani flock.
Ethan C.
All chick's arrived alive and seem to be doing well! Thank you!
We received this little chick with the 6 Silkies. He is full of spunk. So far so good with this little one. Hope he thrives because we had one of the baby Silkies that didn’t make it today :(.
Tiffany W.
Got all the chicks, but one arrived very sick, and now is about to die :( she is a runt and way more tiny than the others. It is definitely an expensive loss!! And we got attached to the poor thing.
San D.
Received my second batch of Ayam yesterday. They re noisy and active and cute as buttons. Several extra were included as replacements for the few losses I had last time. Thank you for great customer service.
San D.
So eggcited to finally receive my Ayam chicks They arrive chirping loudly and after quick dip in electrolyte solutions they went on to feed immediately
Thank you for great customer service / care
Kirsten H.
My chicks arrived chirping happily at my post office. They are so healthy and thriving! I will purchase chicks from this supplier again!
Sincerely, Kirsten Henderson
John S.
I couldn’t be happier with my chicks in the service I received. A few did not make it the first time but they went above and beyond to make things right! I will be back that’s for sure
Laura B.
I ordered these chicks at the end of December 2019 for a delivery date on January 2020. The first weekend of February, I had marans and ameraucanas hatching in my incubator and still no updates, so I sent an email to follow up on possible expectations. I guess they get a lot of annoying “where are my birds” emails and I’m just another annoying keyboard jockey asking for an update... I was given the “we’re a small facility that ships every week and we try our best to hit the delivery month, but egg production is slow in the winter” e-mail saying my chicks would ship out that week or the next week (second week of February). I got them the third week of February.
I understand hatchability, egg production, and Murphy’s law as I work in the poultry industry as well as doing research. I am not knocking FLF for delayed shipping, I understand. My concern is I received day old chicks with Marans that just turned 3 weeks old which is why I was asking for updates, otherwise it wouldn’t have mattered.
My next problem is their policy states if they are late, they will send you a mystery chick. I am definitely a bit bummed about not receiving one. Maybe it’s because production is low? Maybe it’s because I annoyed them with the “where are my chicks” email? Who knows.
5 stars for the chicks, 3 stars for my experience.
Triston B.
Ordered 6 chicks and lost some in the mail but feather lover farms should replace the lost chicks. I think this is a good farm.
chue l.
They are so cute! They sent an extra 1 much appreciated.
Kimberly F.
Mykal my Ayam Cemani!
David J.
We ordered 6 chicks total and they sent 7. 2 unfortunately didn't make it. We contacted the company and they're going to send replacement with our next order
Tyler H.
Highly recommend Feather Lover Farms.. received my chicks very fast and they were very well packaged and to my surprise when we opened the box there was an extra but unfortunately passed minutes after arriving due to getting cold while in route which wasn't there fault it happens but the others are doing well....Again high recommended received fast and well packaged
Cheryl B.
Our 3 are doing well!!
Judith W.
The chicks in this shipment and one other shipment two weeks earlier arrived alive and healthy. After reading some other reviews, we were a little worried. We followed the tracking, and called the post office the day before they were to arrive. The P. O. called us ar 6:30 AM when they reached their facility. We picked them up at 6:45, thus avoiding the chicks being out in the truck all day. Feather Lovers Farm did their part, but buyers have to be ready to get their chicks to food and water ASAP. We definitely will buy from Feather Lovers Farm again!!!
Che A.
I'm sooooooooooooo happy that we got our baby chicks....
They are all tucked in and sun tanning!
Janette P.
Ayam Cemanis
I purchase 3 straight run Ayam Cemanis. Feather Lover farms also added 2 chicks(not sure what breed) at no charge. It took a bout 3 months due to low egg production. Each time I emailed them, they got right back to me within a week. When my chicks arrived 1 of the extras was dead. Then I lost another extra chick and then a cemani with in a couple days, due to poor heating on my part. I have 2 awesome Cemanis! No health issues. I would highly recommend Feather Lover Farms. Service was great. I will definately order more chicks from them.
Belinda M.
I received an email saying my chicks shipped on Tuesday. Tracking number provided, when I tracked it , my chicks were scheduled for arrival Friday by 8 pm. I panicked and worried about my babies. Post office is open that late, they don’t send chicks out with carriers. So I started getting tracking updates. My babies left San Antonio at 10 pm and I live an hour away. I knew they would probably arrive this morning. They did. When I got them from post office, I was horrified when I saw a tiny yellow head. My chicks are all black. I rushed to my car and opened the box and all 5 of my babies were chirping away, along with two super cute little black and yellow chicks with fuzzy heads. I was so happy. All babies were doing great! Thea is for my two free chicks
Patrick J.
Chix showed up in great shape!
Thanks for the 3 free random ones too..
Therese Estrada
Gorgeous Roos!
I ordered 3 chicks in late December. They all turned out to be Roos. I waited to review to let you know how they looked when grown because as chicks they looked more gray than black. One died. The 2 remaining are absolutely gorgeous! They are both black. Dumbledore has slight Mulberry in his lower throat. He has long green tail feathers that he is very proud of, and his black feathers are iridescent green. Ravenclaw has iridescent purple feathers. They both do a great job with the ladies and are keeping them safe. The brothers work together to fight off predators and round up the hens when they need to go to bed. I am very happy with my purchase at FLF. My only disappointment is that I didn't get a pullet, but that's the gamble with straight runs.
Rodolfo M.
Yes even though I lost a chick very happy with a the turnout results
Hewitt H.
Ayam Cemani Purchase
Chicks arrived as advertised. Only one chick died after arrival, which is to be expected. The rest are all still alive 6 weeks later.
James T.
Beyond Expectations
This was my first order of chicks and to say I was apprehensive is an understatement. I placed the order and really did not know what to expect other than baby birds showing up here n the mail in March. I rushed down to pick them up when they arrived. These lil guys were well packaged and very high spirited. They lived in my office until recently when I moved them to their temporary outside enclosure. Can’t wait to build their permanent home and enjoy them! Thank you!!
Sarah J.
Ayam Cemani chicks.
Yes. They are all doing great!!!! Thank you so much.
Jessica M.
Beautiful, healthy chicks
I’m very happy with my chicks. They arrived alive and healthy despite having to travel from California to Pennsylvania.
Tom D.
Very Very !!! Happy !!!
I am very happy with Greenfire Farms. They let us know when the chicks where on their way to Michigan. I was a little worried about the weather and distance they travel. The chicks
arrived like they came from the next farm down the road.
Thank You Tom D.
crystal R.
Perfect Chicks
Arrived on time.. perfect chicks.. healthy and growing fast. They even sent a couple extra silkies. Excellent Service
Pinto H.
Excellent service
I couldn’t be more satisfied with my order. The communication was prompt and I received my chicks when I told. Over all good business.
Sara W.
Great first experience
I bought these chicks as a Christmas gift, and was nervous about them traveling so far, but everyone arrived alive and very lively! So cute!! There was also an extra sweet little chick, which is especially nice since one passed away a few days after arrival. So excited to watch them grow!! I would definitely recommend buying chickens from feather lover farms!
Terri R.
Awesome birds
Yes! Got my birds, Healthy and beautiful
Melissa B.
Wonderful service
Yes they did, each time.
Amy O.
The best business I have ever had to deal with.
Yes and more. They were very quick with their responses and answered all my questions as this was my first time ordering chicks online. Chicks all came healthy and I cannot wait to see the look on my fiancé’s face when he sees his Christmas presents !!
Patricia F.
Beautiful chicks!
Yes they came alive and healthy was very pleased by the,shipping and customer service
Jennifer m.
Very pleased.
I could not be happier. Healthy chicks and great customer service. Thank you !!
Jennifer m.
Nice healthy chicks.
I could not be more pleased with both my chicks and the customer service. Thank you
Amy K.
Omg!!! Love these babies!
Theses have been the sweetest babies ever! I handle mine 4-5x a day and they are so AWESOME!!
Khiem N.
Beyond expectations!
Take a while to get our chicks but they are so Whorthwhile really beyond our expectations! Definitely will get more from Feather lover farm
Melissa B.
Happy with my order
Yes it did. Feather lover farms is a respectable company
Mark R.
Great service
Received what appears to be six healthy chicks. Looking for to watching their growth. These will be a great collection to our current flock of Brahma chickens.
Maria H.
All good.
Bought a 6 pack as a present, took a while to get shipped out even though I ordered when available, but regardless once they were shipped they arrived quickly and healthy.
Amy K.
Wonderful customer service! Sweet babies! I'm in LOVE!
McArthur B.
Greenfire Farms Line Ayam Cemani Chicks
All of the chicks arrived happy and healthy. Very pleased with the packaging and delivery.
Sarah C.
Customer service was very helpful and the chicks are ADORABLE
Ray Thornton
Ayam Cemani
Feather Lover Farms had great customer service and sent me very black ayam cemani chicks. Very pleased with this purchase and will buy again.
Charles S.
Love my chicks
Everything I expected and they arrived so active.
Jeffery A.
New to me
My original purchase was for 6 Ayam Cemani chicks and I actually received 11 chicks total 6 Ayam Cemani's, 2 Silver Barnevelder's, 2 Silver Onagadori's and one Blue silki, when the chicks first arrived one of the Ayam Cemani's was "DOA", I messaged them right away and they said they would send a replacement, within two days another Ayam Cemani died but I don't think it was their fault at all because I put them in with silkie hens and I think one of the silkie hens suffocated that chick but regardless they sent me two replacement chicks so I ended up with my original six anyways I think the other breeds are really interesting looking with the exception of the silky which is a little more common once they became young teenagers I lost one of the Silver Onagadori's to a chicken hawk to which I mediately responded by putting mannequins in the area of where the chickens were distorted the efforts of the chicken hawks and I no longer saw them around the chicks they are all alive and healthy and well the ones that are living thank you very much for the chicks that you have provided.