Onagadori Chick (Unsexed)
Regular price
$ 99.00
$ 79.00
* Flat Rate Shipping Cost:
USPS Priority 2-3 Day - $29
USPS Express 1-2 Day - $69
* 3 chicks minimum for Live Arrival Guarantee. You can mix and match breeds.
* Ship Date: Chicks are shipped weekly. Your chicks will hatch & ship on one of the Mondays-Wednesdays of your "estimated ship month".
* Select the same ship month if ordering multiple breeds.
Heat pack(s), plenty of nest material under and/or around the chicks and professional packaging are included with the cost of shipping. Shipping cost is the same flat rate no matter how many chicks you order.
FLF Exclusive!
Behold, one of the rarest chicken breeds on earth! The Onagadori, prized for the rooster's amazing tail lengths, is the only chicken breed on the planet that can exhibit non-molting tail and saddle feathers. Onagadori chickens are not long tailed Phoenix chickens. Phoenix chickens can only grow only up to a 3-4 ft tail and usually molt their feathers every year. There are only a handful of chicken breeders in Japan own these incredibly rare chickens and most people in Japan have never seen them. There are roughly only a little over 200 adult Onagadori in existence in Japan which makes them incredibly rare and on the verge of extinction.
The Onagadori, In Japan meaning "honorable fowl" as well as "long tail fowl", has been protected by the Japanese government for many years and is considered a living monument of the Japanese culture. The Japanese believe Onagadori were first created by crossing a long-tailed chicken breed called Shokoku with Green Junglefowl in the middle of the Edo Period (1600 - 1868). Green Jungle fowl exhibit an ability to not molt for longer periods of time than normal fowl which is why the Japanese believe this is where Onagadori got their non-molting genetics from. Some Onagadori roosters in Japan acquire tails of more than 30 or 40ft. Sound insane? We know what you're thinking but their tails truly can get those lengths and there is plenty of online photos and youtube videos of Onagadori shows in japan to prove their existence.
Despite Onagadori being so rare and almost unheard of in the US, Feather Lover Farms was able to acquire Onagadori chickens and have been testing our roosters tail growth for a couple years now. Our Black Breasted Red rooster displayed above is showing off a tail of almost 7ft long at the base of his tail to the farthest tail feather. Though, not anything close to the quality and tail lengths as some of the Onagadori in Japan, our rooster pictured is still in blood feather and tail is still growing strong. We also have other Onagadori roosters tails growing out right now and will be posting their photos once their tails grow to greater lengths.
We have 4 colors we are working with in our Onagadori breeding program and they come in White, Black Breasted Red (BB-RED), Golden Duckwing and Silver Duckwing. Our breeders leg colors come in green, blue or yellow though we are working on consistently producing green or yellow legged birds like the onagadori in Japan. Chicks are sold unsexed and will come in a variety of the 4 colors as we can not guarantee a specific color you will receive. We will try to give you the most assortment of colors possible at the time of shipment but simply can't guarantee what colors or the amount of colors you'll receive in your chick order. We also can not guarantee how long your birds tails will get as this varies for each birds potential and how the bird is taken care of for maximum tail growth. Chicks will come unsexed. Please note our onagadori chicks can have flaws like blue legs or shorter tail feathers than desired as it takes allot of work perfecting this breed. You should expect many chicks to not turn out perfect and if you breed them you will want to selectively breed desired traits towards to help improve your flock. Photos provided above are of the actual adult breeders that produce our chicks you receive.
Our goal is to eventually produce high quality Onagadori here in the US that are just as high in quality and amazing tail lengths as the ones in Japan. Though we are far from that goal, It will take a lot of selective breeding, growing many birds out to adult age, and selecting only the best ones to use as our breeders. We have hand selected only the best birds to use in our Onagadori breeding program and we will need your help to not only improve the Onagadori quality in the US, but help prevent Onagadori from going into extinction.
Onagadori FAQs:
Size: Large (4-6 lbs)
Rarity: Extremely Rare
Purpose: Ornamental
Colors: BB Red, Gold, Silver & White
Egg Color: Cream, Light Tan
Egg Size: Medium
Unique Feature: Rooster's Extreme Tail Lengths
Cold Hardiness: Ok Winter Tolerance
Heat Tolerance: Great Heat Tolerance
Docile: Yes
Setter/Broody: Yes, Sometimes
Personality: Very Human Friendly, Tame, Mellow & Docile
Quick Chick FAQs:
Straight Run Chicks: Straight Run Chicks are un-sexed, randomly selected and each chick has a 50/50 chance of being a male or female.
Shipping: You will receive an automatic email and text message when your chicks ship along with tracking info. Chicks usually arrive in the morning 1-2 days later and your local Post Office will call you for pickup. Chicks are never delivered to your home address, even if you used a home address for your shipping address.
What I Need: Everything you need can usually be purchased at your local feed store. Chick starter feed, waterer, brooder (cardboard box, plastic storage bin, bathtub, or even a kiddie pool are popular), pine shavings, thermometer and a heat lamp or heat source. Baby chicks require heat of about 95 degrees their first week of life. Second week you can lower the temperature to 90 degrees and so on with every week going down 5 degrees until 6-8 weeks old or when they are ready to go "outside".
How Do My Chicks Survive Shipment?: Baby chicks do not need food or water for the first 72 hours of life. Ingesting their yolk sac gives them the nutrition they need to survive the journey from Feather Lover Farm's hatching facility to you! Shipping day-old chicks helps ensure a safe arrival since they will usually be just 2 days old when you receive them. Our packaging is professional with a brand new chick shipping box, nesting material and warm long lasting heat packs depending on the time of the year. Your chicks will look like they just hatched out of a nest when you open the box and jump into your arms, thinking you are their mother hen!
Click Here To Check Out Our Juvenile Chickens For Sale!